Friday 13 March 2009

Clever way to eliminate worry

Worry is horrible, isn't it? It can fill your head
to the exclusion of practically everything else. It
stops you laughing, relaxing, enjoying life. What's
worse is - it never solves a thing!

The problem is, the more you try to get rid of the bee
in your bonnet the more it buzzes round in your head!
It's like when you keep telling yourself to fall asleep
- and that keeps you awake.

What's the way out of this loop?

Well, I believe the answer is *trust.*

Look at nature! No wild animal knows where its next
meal will come from. Grass does not seem to force
itself to grow! It's all very Zen. But that still
doesn't tell us how to get there.

I was struggling with this riddle when the answer
popped into my head! "Your nature knows!"

We *all* have this ability...

Cut your finger, and your nature knows how to heal it.
Have you any idea how to consciously fall asleep or
wake up? That inner wisdom works everywhere in our
lives, but the problem is we don't let it!

We worry it out of existence!

When you let your nature take over everything becomes
effortless. Worry becomes a thing of the past!

It's just a matter of trusting your "inner wisdom" - your

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